Film Distribution

A quick way to find some of my work on Tubi to stream for free

For the time being, I have four features available on the free streaming platform Tubi.

Just click to find WHALE, THREE WORLDS, MAN, & RAINBOW SEASON on this consolidated page.

I’m only slightly annoyed that some of my title cover art has been altered, but we move on….

film cover art on Tubi with slight modifications, lol

Amir Motlagh films now available on the streaming platform Tubi

Just a quick update I was alerted about a few days ago. Four of my feature works are now available on the US Streaming Platform Tubi, including THREE WORLDS (2018), MAN (2018), WHALE (2010) & RAINBOW SEASON (2019). Like most of these distro services, it is time-bound.

I believe Tubi is North America only, but, VPN, maybe….i dunno?

Cheers & enjoy the beautiful day my friend….

Film Pipeline Interviews Amir Motlagh and Charles Borg about the feature film MAN

This is a recent article conducted on Film Pipeline (Script Pipeline) about my latest film release, MAN. Both Charles and myself answer great questions posed by Script Pipeline about the process of MAN. You can read the whole interview by clicking here: 

Here a small snippet:
"Options and possibilities have opened quite a bit. Filmmakers tend to idolize the big names because they like the toys and scale that comes with moviemaking. Most of the time, that’s just a hindrance because it gets in the way of truth."

MAN is available on Amazon Prime (US/UK) and Vimeo On Demand (worldwide) with a host of other platforms coming soon.